Aku lihat ke dalam mata, hati dan jiwaku... di situ ada cinta, di situ ada kasih dan di situ ada sayang...
Friday, November 28, 2008
Pabila Hati Dah Jemu
Lembar-lembar kertas dengan catatan bertarikh 11/11/2007 aku baca satu persatu. Hampir semuanya tercatat ungkapan “I Love You”. Itulah isi hati mereka pada ketika itu. Ya…pada ketika itu. Hari ini semuanya mungkin sudah berubah. Mungkin ada hati dah jemu. Mungkin ada sayang yang dah beku. Entah…semuanya hanya MUNGKIN. Aku tidak mampu menebak hati manusia lain. Yang terzahir hanyalah tingkah laku dan tutur kata yang kadang kala mencerminkan isi hati.
Hati ini menangis mengenangkan sukarnya menjadi manusia yang tidak ‘diiktiraf’. Sukarnya menjadi manusia yang bukan siapa-siapa. Sukarnya menjadi manusia yang bijak dan matang. Sukarnya menjadi manusia yang kuat dan tabah. Sukarnya meluah rasa hati kerana setiap kata-kata dijustifikasi. Tapi tolonglah fahami aku…
Aku juga manusia seperti mereka. Aku juga punya derita yang aku simpan seperti mereka. Aku juga mahu dibelai dengan kata-kata sayang seperti mereka. Aku juga mahu rajukku dipujuk seperti mereka.
Jangan kerana aku ini dianggap kuat dan tabah, aku tak perlukan itu semua. Jangan kerana aku ini dipandang bijak dan matang, aku harus menelan segala caci dan nista. Jangan kerana aku ini bukan siapa-siapa, aku diperlakukan seperti aku tak pernah memberi apa-apa.
Sekali lagi tolonglah fahami aku…setiap baris kata yang kulontarkan itu bukannya kerana aku tak mensyukuri nikmat Tuhan. Setiap baris kata yang kuluahkan itu bukannya kerana aku mengharapkan balasan atas segala yang pernah aku beri. Setiap baris kata yang tercatat itu hanya untuk menyedarkan kau dan sesiapa jua bahawa aku ini manusia biasa.
Seandainya benar ada hati dah jemu, renungkanlah… Kasih sayang tidak hanya benar pada ketika itu tapi akan kekal benar buat selamanya.
Selamat Hari Lahir Faiq...Semoga sentiasa dilindungi Allah dan membesar sebagai anak yang soleh.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Biarkan Semalam Menjadi Sejarah
Spirit Of Love
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Kau tak rasa gembira
Kau tak rasa takut
Kau tak tahu marah
Kau tak akan keliru
Kau tak membenci
Kau tak akan cemburu
Kau tak kecewa
Kau tak akan sedih
Kau tak terseksa
Kau tak rasa sendiri
Kau tak mengharap
Kau tak menyayangi...
I am so full of emotions that I think I'm just waiting to explode. Itu yang aku rasakan sekarang. Kalau boleh untuk buang hatiku...then, call me heartless! Itu lebih baik daripada jadi bom jangka.
I think I need to get out of here...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A Message From Behind The Door
If one day you feel like crying
Call me
I don't promise
That I will make you laugh
But I can cry with you
If one day you want to run away
Don't be afraid to call me
I don't promise to ask you to stop
But I can run with you
If one day you don't want to listen to anyone
Call me
I promise to be quiet
But if one day you call me
And there is no answer
Come fast to see me
Maybe I need you
If I ever ignored you
I'm sorry
If I ever made you feel bad or put you down
I'm sorry
If I ever thought I was bigger or better than you
I'm sorry
I love you
Don't ever forget that
Through bad times and good
I'll be there with you
I'm sorry for everything wrong I've ever done
I'm writing this because what if tomorrow never comes?
What if I never get to say goodbye or give you a big hug?
What if I never get to say I'm sorry or I love you?
Because what if tomorrow never comes?
~Costa Rica @ Le Paris~
Saturday, November 22, 2008
When The Heart Is Closed, Remain Open To Love
Love transforms and love cures; but, sometimes, love builds deadly traps and can end up destroying a person who had resolved to give him or herself completely. What is this complex feeling which, deep down, is only reason we continue to live, struggle and improve?
I can’t define it, because I, along with every other human being, can only feel it. But I have learned that this feeling is present in the small things, and manifest itself in the most insignificant of our action. It is necessary, therefore, to keep love always in mind, regardless of whatever or not we take action. And when nothing is possible, when all that remains is loneliness, then remember this story.
A rose dreamed day and night about bees, but no bee ever landed on her petals. The flower, however, continued to dream. During the long nights, she imagined a heaven full of bees, which flew down to bestow fond kisses on her. By doing this, she was able to last until the next day, when she opened again to the light of the sun.
One night, the moon, who knew of the rose’s loneliness, asked:
‘Aren’t you tired of waiting?’
‘Possibly, but I have to keep trying.’
‘Because if I don’t remain open, I will simply fade away.’
At times, when loneliness seems to crush all beauty, the only way to resist is to remain open.
Oh, Allah, I turn to You because You know everything, even what is hidden.
If what I am doing is good for me and for my religion, for my life now and hereafter, then let the task be easy and blessed.
If what I am doing is bad for me and for my religion, for my life now and hereafter, remove me from that task.
(Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.)
~ Source: LTFR ~
Friday, November 21, 2008
Catatan Usai Kembara Mencari Diri
Terima kasih Abah, Ma, kakak-kakak dan adik-adik
Untuk kasih sayang kalian
Untuk doa dan restu kalian
Terima kasih Abang Is yang telah pergi
Untuk jasa dan budi
Untuk kasih sayang setulus hati
Untuk kenangan yang abadi
Terima kasih abang yang tak pernah kupanggil abang
Untuk ilmu, kisah dan pengalaman yang dikongsi
Untuk kasih sayang dan sokongan yang diberi
Untuk kebahagiaan dan keperitan yang kita lalui
Terima kasih teman dan sahabat
Untuk ikatan dan ingatan
Untuk ukhwah dan persaudaraan
Terima kasih adik-adik dan anak-anak Umi
Untuk hari-hari keriangan
Untuk detik-detik keindahan
Terima kasih semua
Kerana memaknai perjalananku di dunia
Yang teratas untuk segala-galanya
Terima kasih Tuhan
Untuk kekuatan ini
Untuk kehidupan ini
PKMD 2008
Epilog Rindu
Bila bunga-bunga kelayuan berguguran…
Bagaikan pelangi selepas hujan reda
Indah berseri mewarnai alam
Beburung berterbangan riang berkicauan
Tiada lagi mendung semalam
Damainya di hati bila terpandang wajahmu
Manis senyuman menghulurkan salam
Lembut tutur bicara tersusun bahasa
Hapus sudah titis airmata
Kenangkan suka dan duka yang dilalui bersama
Indahnya kenangan yang pernah tercipta
Hindarkan persengketaan, jernihkan kekeruhan
Bara amarahmu jangan dinyalakan
Kasih dan sayang membentuk titian rindu
Menghubungkan hati yang lama terpisah
Mengeratkan lagi ukhuwah
Yang lama telah terbina
Bahagia dalam maghfirahNya
Oh…indahnya jalinan kasih sayang
Tidak sempurna iman, tidak bernama insan
Andai permusuhan dibiar berterusan
Leburkan keegoan, hulurkan kemaafan
Semoga sentosa dalam keredhaan
Tinggal duri-duri yang mencalar melukakan…
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Greatest Love Of All
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
Everybody searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone who fulfill my needs
A lonely place to be
So I learned to depend on me
I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
And if by chance, that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
At The End Of Your Life...
"I saw death as my daily companion, who is always by my side, saying: 'I will touch you, but u don't know when. Therefore, live life as intensely as you can.' Because of this, I never leave until tomorrow what I can do or experience today - and that includes joys, work obligation, saying I'm sorry if I feel I've offended someone, and contemplation of the present moment as if it were my last. My epitaph wrote 'He died while he was still alive.' That might seem a contradiction in terms; but I know a lot of people who have stopped living, even though they continue working and eating and carrying on with their usual social activities. They do everything on automatic pilot, unaware of the magic moment that each day brings with it, never stopping to think about the miracle of life, not understanding that the next minute could be their last on the face of this planet. I have a duty to my readers - to make them think about the important things in life. And death is the most important thing. We are all walking towards death, but we never know when death will touch us and it is our duty, therefore, to look around us, to be grateful for each minute. But we should also be grateful to death, because it makes us think about the importance of each decision we take, or fail to take; it makes us stop doing anything that keeps us stuck in the category of the 'living dead' and, instead, urges us to risk everything, to bet everything on those things we always dreamed of doing, because, whether we like it or not, the angel of death is waiting for us."
And this is what I wrote when comes to answer the question - If, at the end of your life, you had an opportunity to evaluate it, what would you have accomplished and contributed, who would you have been for your family, friends, community and so forth?
"Pada akhir hayat saya, saya mahu memastikan saya dapat mencapai impian saya untuk membantu orang lain untuk mengetahui dengan jelas apa yang mereka inginkan dalam hidup mereka. Saya mahu dikenang sebagai seorang individu yang bertanggungjawab serta menyayangi dan disayangi oleh keluarga, rakan-rakan serta anggota masyarakat. Saya juga mahu dikenang sebagai individu yang sentiasa bersedia membantu sesiapa sahaja. Saya juga mahu keluarga, rakan-rakan serta sesiapa saja yang telah saya bantu dapat meneruskan kesinambungan impian saya agar setiap dari mereka kemudiannya dapat membantu orang lain memperoleh “nilai” daripada impian tersebut."
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tabahlah Hati
Dugaan ini dari Rabbul Izzati
Setiap yang berlaku hikmah mengiringi
Tabahlah hati
Andai sering diuji sebegini
Menambah kuat diri sendiri
Tabahlah hati
Khilaf sendiri perlu dicari
Buat pedoman itu yang pasti
Tabahlah hati
Bukan mudah mencari yang memahami
Namun jangan sesekali berlalu pergi
Tabahlah hati
Tak perlu memencil membawa diri
Dengan izin-Nya kebenaran terbukti
Tabahlah hati
Walaupun dilukai tiada benci
Kasih sayang hakiki dan abadi
Tabahlah hati
Ingat janji yang sudah dipateri
Jangan terabai dibuai emosi
Tabahlah hati
Usah menangis lagi
Allah itu Maha Mengasihi
Lagi Maha Mengetahui
Monday, November 17, 2008
How To Climb Mountains
Choose the mountain you want to climb
Don’t be influence by what other people say: ‘that one’s prettier’ or ‘that one looks easier’. You are going to put a lot of energy and enthusiasm into achieving your objective, and you are the only person responsible for your choice, so be quite sure about what you are doing.
Find out how to reach the mountain
Often you can see the mountain in the distance – beautiful, interesting, full of challenges. However, when you try to reach it, what happens? It’s surrounded by roads; forests lie between you and your objective; and what seems clear on the map is far more complicated in reality. So you must try all the paths and tracks until, one day, you find yourself before the peak you intend to climb.
Learn from someone who has been there before
However unique you may think you are, there is always someone who has had the same dream before, and who will have left signs behind that will make the climb less arduous: the best place to attach a rope, trodden paths, branches broken off to make it easier to pass. It is your climb and it is your responsibility too, but never forget that other people’s experiences are always helpful.
Dangers, seen from close to, are controllable
When you start to climb the mountain of your dreams, pay attention to what is around you. There are almost imperceptible cracks. There are stones polished so smooth by rain and wind that they have become as slippery as ice. But if you know where you are putting your foot, you will see any traps and be able to avoid them.
The landscape changes, so make the most of it
You must, naturally, always keep in mind your objective – reaching the top. However, as you climb, the view changes, and there is nothing wrong with stopping now and then to enjoy the vista. With each meter you climb, you can see a little further, so take time to discover things you have never noticed before.
Respect your body
You will only manage to climb a mountain if you give your body the care it deserves. You have all time that life gives you, so do not demand too much from your body. If you walk too quickly, you will grow tired and give up halfway. If you walk too slowly, night might fall and you will get lost. Enjoy the landscape, drink the cool spring water, and eat the fruit that nature so generously offers you, but keep walking.
Respect your soul
Don’t keep repeating, ‘I’m going to do it.’ Your soul knows this already. What it needs to do is to use this long walk in order to grow, to reach out as far as the horizon, to touch the sky. Obsession will not help you in the search for your goal, and will end up spoiling the pleasure of the climb. On the other hand, don’t keep repeating, ‘It’s harder than I thought,’ because that will sap your inner strength.
Be prepared to go the extra mile
The distance to the top of the mountain is always greater than you think. There is bound to come a moment when what seemed so close is still very far away. But since you are prepared to go still further, this should not be a problem.
Be joyful when you reach the top
Cry, clap your hands, shout out loud that you made it; let the wind (because it is always windy up there) purify your mind, cool your hot, weary feet, open your eyes, blow the dust out of your heart. What was once only a dream, a distant vision, is now part of your life. You made it, and that is good.
Make a promise
Now that you have discovered a strength you did not even know you had, tell yourself that you will use it for the rest of your days; promise yourself, too, to discover another mountain and set off a new adventure.
Tell your story
Yes, tell your story. Be an example to others. Tell everyone that it’s possible, and then others will find the courage to climb their own mountains.
Later when I read a story about Genghis Khan and His Falcon in the same book, I found this quote:
“Even when a friend does something you do not like, he continues to be your friend”
“Any action committed in anger is an action doomed to failure”
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Gift of Knowing You

The Gift Of Knowing You
There are gifts of many treasures
For both the young and old,
From the tiniest little trinkets
To great boxes filled with gold.
But, put them all together
And they could not stand in lieu,
Of the greatest gift of all
The gift of knowing you.
When your times are filled with troubles
Sadness, grief, or even doubt,
When all those things you planned on
Just aren't turning out.
Just turn and look behind you
From the place at which you stand,
And look for me through the shadows
And reach out for my hand.
I will lift from you your burden
And cry for you your tears,
Bear the pain of all your sorrows
Though it may be for a thousand years.
For in the end I would be happy
To have helped you start anew,
It's a small price to pay
For the gift of knowing you.
- Dave Stout -
Thursday, November 13, 2008
What Serve You The Best?

Our attitude is not something we’re stuck with forever. We can change it whenever we wish. Our attitude does not define us. It does, however, represent us to the rest of the world. Our attitude does not determine who we are. It does, however, determine what we can accomplish. Our attitude is not the inevitable result of events that happen to us or circumstances that surround us. It is, instead, based on the way we choose to respond to the events and circumstances in our life. We can choose an attitude that will open our eyes to the valuable possibilities. We can choose an attitude that will attract success and accomplishment to us like a magnet. No matter what has happened in the past or where we are now, we are free to choose whatever attitude we wish. So choose, in every moment, a positive, empowering attitude. For that will always serve you the best.
And more than you think you can do.
Often the road will be rugged
And the hills insurmountable, too.
But always remember,
The hills ahead
Are never as steep as they seem,
And with faith in your heart
Start upward
And climb until you reach your dream.
For nothing in life that is worthy
Is ever too hard to achieve
If you have the courage to try it,
And you have the faith to believe.
For faith is a force that is greater
Than knowledge or power or skill,
And many defeats turn to triumph
If you trust in God’s wisdom and will.
For faith is a mover of mountains,
There’s nothing that God cannot do,
So, start out today with faith in your heart,
And climb until your dream comes true!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Do This If I Really Want To...
To Heal With LOVE

When we believe other people has hurt us, the only thing we can ever do is to forgive and love. When we forgive them, we don’t need to express our forgiveness, because often we have felt hurt for something that was not meant to hurt us. Many times our need to forgive is often to forgive them for something that we perceived was done to us. It is not necessarily that they wronged us, meant to wrong us or even believe they hurt us.
Forgiveness allows us to forgive for our perception as well as for how we reacted to our perception. Forgiveness allows us to recognize that people don’t necessarily mean to hurt each other but that we can rectify any situation by offering love, compassion, forgiveness and truly feeling remorse at any pain, or perceived pain we have caused.
When we say sorry from our hearts and soul, others feel our love and it does indeed help our own healing, our own growth and ultimately helps us find peace. When we forgive ourselves and when we apologize to others, we are expressing our love: Our love of self, of each other and of God.
Love is what matters in the world. This is my belief. I don’t believe in conditions or demands and I believe that what we put out comes back around to us.
Rules in love and life. Five Rules to be happy:
And they also say...
It takes 3 seconds to say “I love you”,
Well...The real test of true love is having all the things go wrong but still having a special way to love despite of all the wrong things that may happen.
Always take a CHANCE. The end result may not always be what you hoped for but that’s fine. At least, you will never go through life wondering “What if… and “If only….”
Hold a friend’s hand through times of trial, let him/her find love through a hug and a smile. But also know when it is time to let go, for each and everyone of us must learn to grow.
Love is not a word to say when we feel guilty nor the right word to say when we like a person. But LOVE really matters when we share our thoughts, our minds and our hearts.
Never whisper words of love if the feeling is not true. Never share your feeling if you mean to break a heart. Never look into my eyes if all you have to do is lie.
Genuine friendship is not measured by time but it is measured by acceptance. A friend is one where even though you reflect the silver, he/she sees the GOLD.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
When You Believe You Can
There is great power in belief.
It will open your eyes,
your opportunities will become plain,
and your vision can become reality.
There is nothing that stands between you
and what you want from life
except your will to try it
and the faith to believe that it is possible.
Everything is possible if you believe it is.
You must find the energy and determination to keep going.
Your mind will amaze your body and keep it energized.
Keep telling yourself, I can do it,
I must do it, I will do it.
You will only succeed when you believe you can succeed.
The only limit to your realization of tomorrow
will be your doubts of today.
Your mind sets your limits.
To believe is to know that every day is a new beginning.
It is to trust that miracles happen,
and dreams really do come true.
To believe is to see angels
dancing among the clouds
To know the wonder of a stardust sky
and the wisdom of the man in the moon.
To believe is to know the value
of a nurturing heart,
The innocence of a child's eyes
and the beauty of an aging hand,
for it is through their teachings we learn to love.
To believe is to find the strength and
courage that lies within us.
When it is time to pick up
the pieces and begin again.
To believe is to know we are not alone,
That life is a gift and this is our time to cherish it.
To believe is to know that wonderful
surprises are just waiting to happen,
And all our hopes and dreams
are within reach.
Hold On Tightly to What is Truly Important in Life

It is the fiber and strength of a confident soul.
They are your roots and the beginnings that you grew from
Don't ignore what you feel and what you believe is right and important
Enjoy the beauty around you.