They say the tragedy of life lies in having no goal to reach. Do I have one? I've figured out what to do with my life, the journey & the destination. If that is what they called goal, definitely I have one.
I know a number of people who really don't want to stretch and grow and develop, they really don't. They're really satisfied with everything in their life and they're satisfied with the life they're living. And in a way I admire them because they're not pretending. They're not saying one thing and doing another. They're not chasing a goal and have a ready made excuse why they didn't reach it. They're plain and simple content with what they've got in life.
I also know the people who constantly chase one idea or goal or opportunity and before they've given themselves the chance to master anything, they're off again, looking for pastures anew. It is this people who are pretty much living a life without goals.
And again, it's all evident in how we speak, act, behave. It's in our body language. It's in our energy. It's in our breathing. It's written large across our faces. And the thing about that is as much as the willingness is there, only a good habit will cure us. There's no greater internal power than in making and keeping promises to the self. It's where our self esteem and self worth comes from. And that is the currency of success -- our own self worth.
I can't control my destiny, I trust my soul, my only goal is just to be. There's only now, there's only here. Give in to love or live in fear. No other path, no other way. No day but today.
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