Have you ever had that feeling, a feeling of heartfelt desire, and a feeling that you are losing something? I'm not talking about death here mind you, it's about losing someone dear to you, someone you really want to be with. I have had incidents as such described. The point is, have you been in the shoe where giving up is the best option you had? I know giving up is not a good word, but I guess it fits the idea. Let's put it in this way, this someone that you absolutely want to cuddle and hold on to forever, suddenly tells you that it's not gonna work out. Your partner wants to bail out. What do you do? Normally I guess you'd just start choking your partner to death while asking them to explain. You're killing them? No, I mean seriously, don't you think you deserve an explanation? Whether they have been out fooling around, they met someone new/better, they are not interested in the opposite sex, or even you're just a rebound, a toy! OK that was a bit overrated. I mean to have someone telling you that there is no future between you and your partner is actually a step forward. Be it your suggestion or theirs, it shows someone is looking at the future and sees things beyond the current situation of bread and water for life. However, this kinda situation demands an answer, if not the aftermath is devastating as it leave the person in a state of denial. It goes the same to two persons who could not be together because of reasons not of their own. And believe me, if you know you cannot be with someone because of some reason not related to you, the feeling is devastating. You feel the world crashing down and every darn thing in this planet is against you.
How do you get over such emotions and situations? I know a lot of people will come and say, let it be, let by gone be by gone, and other stuff like that, but is it really what should happen. I know letting go and move on is the ultimate answer, but how do we do it? And if we claim that we have done it, have we really lift the burden off our shoulders? How do you know that you have actually gotten over some one or something? I believe that when you still hold something inside your heart, be it love, hatred or revenge, then you have not gotten over anything but instead you have build up a dark room in you heart for this particular someone. If you were to lift the burden, you would not have a string of hatred or thoughts of revenge or even cupids arrow of love. You would just treat the person like a newfound friend. But how many of us can do it? Can you do it? Can you let go and wash all your love, hatred or revenge down the drain and into the ocean? You tell me, and if you are able to do it, then tell me how. I have been trying for years and been telling myself I should and I will get over it, but in the end, I found out that I still have not been able to do it. Yes, the feelings has definitely subsided, I mean it has definitely shrunk for enormous to big and then to small, but it is still in the heart. I have told myself before that I have to let go. But I think I have redefined the work to let go wrongly. I believe that letting go does not necessary mean that you have to delete them from your brain and treat them indifferently. I think it's wrong. I think letting go means to learn the right from the wrong. Differentiating the past from the present. It has been apart of our lives, we can't just forget things just like that. We can't just delete and empty the recycle bin. I believe each and everyone of us has been through a lot and we have a secret little room in our heart that keeps all these no matter if it's good or bad, happy or sad, joy or sorrow. The lesson to be learned is to look back at these treasures we lock up in our hearts and be able to say, "I've learned from the bad, sad and sorrow" and "I've gained from the good, happy and joy".
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